The Futuregrowth Community Property Fund is committed to sustainability objectives and is extensively involved in renewable energy projects, waste management and recycling initiatives.
Renewable Energy Projects
The implementation of solar energy systems contributes to utilities savings as well as reduces carbon dioxide emissions. Solar projects have been completed at the following centres:
Alexandra Plaza
Key Facts
Heidelberg Mall
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Phase 2: 970.9 kWp (DC)
Phase 2: Completed April 2021
Gateway Mall
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Kuyasa Centre
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Setsing IV Centre
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Diepsloot Mall
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Motherwell Shopping Centre
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Active Utilities Management
Utility costs are directly and actively managed through SMART meter installations and data validation.
94% are building are SMART metered
84% of buildings are SMART metered on bulk connections
Waste Management and Recycling
Waste management is optimised in order to achieve environmental benefits including the diversion of waste from landfill as well as the recycling of waste materials.
% of Waste Recycled vs Disposed (m3)
Type of Waste
Waste Management and Solar Energy Footprint
The renewable energy projects, waste management and recycling initiatives that have been implemented in the portfolio have achieved the following milestones:
16 126 554 CO2 saved (m3)
7 875 trees grown to maturity would have been required to sink this carbon.
96 849 782 litres of water saved
1 058 average households annual water needs.
11 383 186 KWH of energy saved
1 227 mid-income homes could be powered for one year by the energy saving.
63 001 trees saved
399 acres of tropical forest at average tree density saved.