Sustainable Food Security Project Launched in the Dennilton Community
Capital Land Asset Management is committed to establishing projects that support education and community upliftment in the communities surrounding the Futuregrowth Community Property Fund (“Comprop”) shopping centres. In August 2023, a pilot project, focusing on improving food security through community and school food gardens, was launched in Dennilton, Limpopo in partnership with Food & Trees for Africa (“Food & Trees”) – a leading development, non-profit organisation with over 32 years of experience in this field.
The food gardens serve as an impactful and sustainable means to equip communities with vital skills, while simultaneously addressing the issue of access to food. Food & Trees’ hands-on approach encompasses knowledge sharing, administration, as well as the identification of key human resources to ensure that the right personnel from the communities are matched with the appropriate roles.
Food & Trees conducted assessments on existing gardens in communities surrounding the Comprop shopping centres to evaluate their viability and the readiness of the community to embrace the project. The selection of beneficiaries includes a comprehensive analysis, which results in a fair and accurate assessment, that enables Food & Trees to identify areas of improvement and indicates the likelihood of the project’s success.
Sibisi Primary School, located within a 6.6km proximity to Moutse Mall, in Dennilton, Limpopo was identified and selected for Comprop’s pilot project. In July 2023, an onsite assessment was conducted and the pilot project launched on the 17th of August 2023 with a group of 50 community members in attendance. The opening address highlighted the project’s objectives and its potential impact on the community, which was followed by an interactive educational session and planting session.
Tersia Gouws, Food & Trees’ on the ground Ecopreneur & Facilitator said, “The launch was a tremendous success, as we managed to plant approximately 1 000 seedlings and prepare raised beds for our upcoming crops. We are absolutely thrilled by the overwhelmingly positive attitude displayed by the community members. Their commitment to tackling food insecurity and uplifting livelihoods is truly inspiring. It’s an exciting time for us as we witness this intangible sense of dedication taking root within the community.”
The produce from the garden is currently used in Sibisi Primary School’s feeding scheme, and any surplus is sold to purchase additional supplies for further investment back into the garden.
The project will be implemented in additional Comprop communities, drawing on the insights gained from the pilot programme.
To view the Sibisi Primary School pilot project please visit the following link.